The Statutes |
The By-laws |
Opinion ProgrammeDictates the student union’s opinions and standpoints in specific questions. All our representatives are expected follow this document.
The Action PlanThe action plan holds the concrete goals for the union during the current fiscal year. The action plan has been formulated by the previous board.
The Strategic Plan |
Budget |
The Political Action PlanThe political action plan establishes the focus points for the student union regarding issues of education and prerequisites for studies.
Representative Assembly DocumentsHere you can access shared folders containing protocols and other documents from the Representative Assembly meetings.
Board Documents & ProtocolsHere you can access shared folders containing protocols and appended documents from the board meetings.
Financial Policy |
Equality PolicyEnvironmental Sustainability PolicyKOM AgreementAgreement with the Student Union for Humanities and Theology on our division of responsibilities for the Department of Communication and Media (KOM). Only available in Swedish.