The activity auditors oversee and review the work of the board and fulltimers during the academic year. Members should direct issues or questions about the running of the organisation to the relevant fulltimer or board member. If a member feels unable to bring an issue to a fulltimer or board member, or feels that the issue is serious and still unresolved after contacting the relevant person, they have the right to bring the issue to the auditors. The auditors can be contacted, in Swedish or English, at [email protected]. It is important to note that auditors do not handle or assess political questions.
Rebecka Brorsson
President · Responsible for General Faculty Matters
0727-13 50 66
[email protected]
[email protected]
You can contact me with questions about the representative assembly, student representation, examination, course introductions, course administration and disciplinary measures.
Axel Simonsson
Vice President · Responsible for General University Matters
0727-13 50 77
[email protected]
You can contact me if you have any questions about general university matters at Lund university, LUS, or regarding quality aspects of your education, syllabi and the board of the Social Sciences student union.
Rebecka Meyer
Vice President · Responsible for Student Welfare Matters
0727-13 50 44
[email protected]
You can contact me with questions about Studentlund, Academic Society (AF), the student union’s economy, national educational politics or if you have problems with admission, study environment, resources or disciplinary measures. You can also contact me if you have been discriminated or been (sexually) harassed within your studies or within the student union.
Lina Almqvist
Event Coordinator
0727-13 50 55
[email protected]
You can contact me regarding house bookings, if you want to start a project, questions about getting active in the event committee or if you have other questions about social events.
Jozephina Hansen
0727-13 52 22
Labour Market Coordinator
[email protected]
You can contact me regarding labour market matters such as case-events, alumni, the career fair SAMarbete and general contact with the work life. If you represent a corporate, please refer to
The activity auditors oversee and review the work of the board and fulltimers during the academic year. Members should direct issues or questions about the running of the organisation to the relevant fulltimer or board member. If a member feels unable to bring an issue to a fulltimer or board member, or feels that the issue is serious and still unresolved after contacting the relevant person, they have the right to bring the issue to the auditors. The auditors can be contacted, in Swedish or English, at [email protected]. It is important to note that auditors do not handle or assess political questions.
Rebecka Brorsson
President · Responsible for General Faculty Matters
0727-13 50 66
[email protected]
[email protected]
You can contact me with questions about the representative assembly, student representation, examination, course introductions, course administration and disciplinary measures.
Axel Simonsson
Vice President · Responsible for General University Matters
0727-13 50 77
[email protected]
You can contact me if you have any questions about general university matters at Lund university, LUS, or regarding quality aspects of your education, syllabi and the board of the Social Sciences student union.
Rebecka Meyer
Vice President · Responsible for Student Welfare Matters
0727-13 50 44
[email protected]
You can contact me with questions about Studentlund, Academic Society (AF), the student union’s economy, national educational politics or if you have problems with admission, study environment, resources or disciplinary measures. You can also contact me if you have been discriminated or been (sexually) harassed within your studies or within the student union.
Lina Almqvist
Event Coordinator
0727-13 50 55
[email protected]
You can contact me regarding house bookings, if you want to start a project, questions about getting active in the event committee or if you have other questions about social events.
Jozephina Hansen
0727-13 52 22
Labour Market Coordinator
[email protected]
You can contact me regarding labour market matters such as case-events, alumni, the career fair SAMarbete and general contact with the work life. If you represent a corporate, please refer to