The Social Sciences Student Union has five full-timers. A full-timer is a student who has taken a study break for a year to work to promote the union’s activities. The Social Sciences Student Union’s five full-time employees are: Three presidials, one of whom is responsible for faculty-wide issues, one is responsible for university-wide issues and one is responsible for study social issues. In addition to these, there is also a labor market coordinator and an event coordinator.
The fulltimers for this upcoming operational year 2023/24:
The fulltimers for this upcoming operational year 2023/24:
Saga Petersson
I am the President of the Social Science Student Union, and responsible for student social issues at the Social Science Union. This means that I am the student union’s representative in the Equality Group at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and responsible for equality matters internally within the student union. In addition, I am responsible for the student union’s economy, national advocacy in education matters through the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) and for maintaining contact with the other unions and nations involved in the Studentlund cooperation.
Elliot Borgstand
I am Vice President of the student union, as well as responsible for general university matters. This means that I handle the workings and communication with the other student unions in Lund, including our collective voice embodied through Lund University Student Unions (LUS). I also co-ordinate the Student union’s board. Should you have any questions about the role of the Student union or are interested in working with educational matters on a university level, feel free to send me an email or visit me at our office!
Veronika Kletečková
I am the Vice President and responsible for general faculty matters at the Student union. This means that I work with student influence on education matters at a faculty level, for example as a representative in the Faculty Board and the steering group for the Campus Paradis building project. I also coordinate all of our student representatives, and the Representative Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of the student union. Contact me if you are interested in becoming a student representative, in running for the Representative Assembly, or want to chat about education monitoring within the Faculty of Social Sciences!
Roshanaq U. Nasir
My position as the labour market coordinator involves working together with both students and external parties in order to bring students closer to the labour market. I am responsible for projects and events such as our annual job fair SAMarbete, Case-events, lectures, as well as for coordinating mentorship programs. Let me know if you have any questions concerning my work or if you want to become active in something that gives you valuable hands-on experience for both the present and the future!
Nicole Facile
I am the event coordinator and my position consists of planning and coordinating different kinds of social events. One of the biggest events I’m in charge of is the annual Samhällsvetarbalen that I plan together with the ball committee. Throughout the year I also organize our welcome activities, sittnings, parties and ceremonies together with the event committee. If you are interested in contributing to our social events, don’t hesitate to contact me!